A few months ago, techno-pundits were predicting the demise of Sony's Blu-ray when the American porn industry chose HD-DVD as their format of choice, calling to mind the demise of Sony's superior Betamax when same purveyors of pussy-play productions chose VHS.
However, in a fit of nationalism, the widely popular and ever so perverted Japanese porn industry chooses Blu-ray to transmit their visions of tentacles, schoolgirls, and alien creatures boinking noisily to the world at large.
Now let's see in which direction the Europeans go. Although admittedly, the market for poop eaters is small.
However, in a fit of nationalism, the widely popular and ever so perverted Japanese porn industry chooses Blu-ray to transmit their visions of tentacles, schoolgirls, and alien creatures boinking noisily to the world at large.
Now let's see in which direction the Europeans go. Although admittedly, the market for poop eaters is small.