Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hell, yeah!

It's time for news anchors to put a stop to this madness.

"She argued that stories about Iraq and the White House were far more important than an update on the publicity-hungry socialite.

"She told viewers: "I hate it and I don't think it should be our lead."

Way to tell the suits!


grifter said...

the Hiltons just got the girl fired and sent completely off the grid.

Jego said...

Holy crap!! Chick is even more of a hero than I thought. Or maybe she's using this to launch a blog-career like Drudge and Huffington.

grifter said...

that's hot.

btw, did you catch the portion of the much-reviled Larry King interview when he asks Paris what her favorite Bible passage was and she couldn't even make one up? nyhahahahahaha!

Jego said...

Paris Hilton as a guest pretty much assures that I won't be watching the damn TV show. Larry King and CNN have sunk to a new low on this, Larry's 50th year of interviewing people.