Tuesday, June 26, 2007

wow! the first of the sheep!


Jego said...

Holy crap! This is worse than I thought! These are adults, for crying out loud. Theyre showing a whole new generation who looks up to them that this type of behavior is ok. Nyahahahahaa!!

They prolly dont know that the total cost of owning an iPhone could set them back $6000.00.

grifter said...

you forgot about the Endgadget link in the article where a comparison shows the iPhone costs aren't that far from other phones.

Jego said...

Yeah but no one's waiting in line, carrying stupid signs, and broadcasting their photos on the net for those phones. Nyahahahaa!! No wonder the terrorists hate the US.

By the way, total cost for my phone is around 80 dollars for the phones and 120 dollars a year. For a total of 320 dollars for a 2-year period. That doesnt even include the rebates I got in the second year. Nyahahahahaa!

grifter said...

but your phone can't surf the net, play a gig of mp3s, watch another gig of porn, let you choose the voicemail you want to listen to, and has no touch screen sexiness. yep, quite a good bargain for $80.

Jego said...

I have a computer to surf the net with. Plus an MP3 player. And voicemail? Euw. For touchscreen sexiness, I dont need any gadgets. My body is a biological repository of sexiness all by itself. Nyaaahahahahahaa!!

grifter said...

gentlemen, the Jego has left the building.