Friday, June 29, 2007

ISH #29 (Friday Edition)

this just in: the immigration bill has just been defeated. tomorrow, you'll probably be having mixed emotions about those wackos who'll get an iPhone. well, cheer up, and just Google the girl below. that, and going to see Transformers. i wonder which of the two makes you all tingly and warm more.

Is She Hot?


i'm not sure what nationality she is, or if she even speaks English. all i know is, she loves the outdoors, and she likes it doggy style. did i say doggy?


Jego said...

Ordinary. And that mug shot has that Ruffa Guitierrez mindless look. Unsexy. 2.0.

Tintin said...

trying hard to be cute with her lips. but not bad. 2.5

Jego said...

If this is the Tuesday edition, Im still waiting for Friday's slut.

grifter said...

you'd be waiting till the end of time. this is Friday.
