Thursday, June 05, 2008

Grifter suggests we move to Sweden

The En anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet bill (which loosely translates to "a better adapted military intelligence gathering") gives Sweden's National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) direct access to the traffic passing through its borders. Now remember, we're talking about the internet, which frequently routes packets though multiple geographically dispersed hops before they reach their final destination.

This all but guarantees that emails and voice over IP (VoIP) calls between Swedes will routinely be siphoned into a massive monitoring machine. And we wouldn't be surprised if traffic between parties with no tie to the country regularly passes through Sweden's border as well, and that too would be fair game. (For example, email sent from a BT address in London to Finland is likely to pass through Sweden first.)
Great suggestion, Einstein.


grifter said...

so far the notorious Pirate Bay has survived raids being in Sweden, and that speaks for itself.

the next bets are Estonia and South Korea. and if you can't fight technology with technology, go unwired and live in some misbegotten area in the African Bush.

Jego said...

It may come to that, amigo.