Saturday, June 21, 2008


The definitive answer to a question authors of science fiction have been arguing about since they allowed women to write that stuff.

What is science fiction? Longish but very informative.

To recap: Science Fiction is that genre of cognitive estrangement in a post-Gothic mode, utilizing a willing suspension of disbelief, transcending anthropocentricism and temporal provincialism, where spacemen, raygun in fist, soar through outer space with a glamorous brunette Space-Babes in their brawny arms.

First and foremost we must ask, if this is to be a definitive definition of science fiction, which of these elements are essential to the definition?

Must there be a raygun involved? The answer is no.


Deany Bocobo said...

Don't know if you're into podcasts but look up something call The Escape Pod over at Itunes. They've got some great sci fi stories there that I love listening to on my early morning bike rides...

grifter said...

babes and rayguns are essential to making sci-fi popular with the masses. this carried over to films as well (read = $$$).

Jego said...

I'll look that up, DJB. Thanks. I subscribe to the BBC's Naked Scientists podcasts for the morning commute.