Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Party vs. The Dalai Lama. Who you got?

I didnt know that the authority of the Chinese government extended to the afterlife. Such is the power of those Commies!
In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has
banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government
You sink you can escape za power of za Communist Party, do you, Dalai Lama? HAH! Vee haf vays of making you stay dead.

(So it's a German accent. Sue me. Nothing sounds more sinister than an evil German accent.)


grifter said...

the German people just incorporated an Anti-German Defamation League, and they're checking airfares to Manila right now.

grifter said...

regarding the Dalai Lama, he should reincarnate in the USA. an American Dalai Lama? hah! let's see if The Party can roll with that!