Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What? Me live without my electric butt washer? No way!

The truth, she's so inconvenient, eh Al Gore? He's probably saying, "Let the poor live green. Global warming isnt for us rich folk."

And remember Chilli Palmer driving to a premiere in a Prius in that movie with The Rock? Chilli Palmer is a movie role. The actor who played him doesnt drive a Prius.

"John Travolta has been boasting to Joan Rivers on the
red carpet about his new house, which features its own airport for his
private jet."

Ive seen the house. It has an airport for his TWO private jets. Yep. Good ole Hollywood is leading the fight against global warming. I see global warming beating a hasty retreat right about now.

1 comment:

grifter said...

with their support, Gore probably thinks he could still win in 2012.