Thursday, February 22, 2007

So give them citizenship already.. and representation in governments

Sheesh. Chimps have been observed making weapons for hunting. Fascinating stuff. But the reporter adds this lame-brained sentence in the second paragraph:

The multistep spearmaking practice...adds credence to the idea that human forebears fashioned similar tools millions of years ago.

Huh? You mean there was doubt that our human forebears had fashioned tools millions of years ago and that the observation of chimps doing it was needed to finally lay that "theory" to rest?

"You know what? I really believe humans fashioned tools millions of years ago, but I can't be sure. I mean, we're scientists. We need proof, dagnabbit!"

"Professor, take a look at this! Chimps! Making spears!"

"Finally! The proof I need!" (Weeps for joy.)

"Umm professor? I dont think that's proof. What if ancient chimps made these tools then our human ancestors just picked them up later after the chimps used them?"

"By George, youre right. Looks like the mystery of human tools will have to remain a mystery."


Tintin said...

pretty soon, these chimps will be talking. then they'll enslave all mankind. and all we can say is, "Get Your Stinking Paws Off Me, You Damn Dirty Ape!!"

grifter said...

chimp: "didn't this Heston jerk die already?"