Friday, March 30, 2007

ISH #4 (Friday Edition)

judging by the comment section generated in previous posts, we are getting a lot of reaction. somebody's thongs are getting in a twist. or not big enough for wrong parking. or whatever.

rule note #1: nah, we're sticking with the 1 to 5 voting scale. the problem with 1 to 10 is too much leeway. realistically, c'mon ... its either she's doable in your eyes or not.
rule note #2: as we go along, links provided by our voters for non-sluts (is there such a thing??? ok, put the guns down, ladies.) will merit some consideration. especially, if they have ... glamour photos.

ok, so you want an athlete? you got one!

Is She Hot?

Malia Jones


Jego said...

HOT!! Five, dammit!!

See? It takes so little to make me happy. A slut with a job. Nyaahahahaa!!!

Jego said...

By the way, you could google "melissa theuriau" (the french news anchor) for glamoUr photos, but you already know my score for her.

grifter said...

what? posing for the camera isn't a job? they earn a lot more than you or me.


Tintin said...

very exotic. would love to be stranded on an island with her. 4!

Jego said...

Posing for a camera is a job. But I submit that's not what the last slut you posted was doing.

And I meant a job as in other than being a professional slut.

grifter said...

posing for the camera doesn't necessarily mean you're a slut.

and stop being hypocritical: you loooooooooove sluts. nyahahahaha!

Tintin said...

sluts are unsung heroines

Jego said...

Unsung, eh? May I invite some of them to, uhm, sing? Nyahahahaha!!