Sunday, May 18, 2008

True, I swear

On the buses here are posters that advertise a clinic called Nanjing Mary Gynaecological Hospital. Nice posters, too. Glossy, with pictures of pretty Chinese girls. It's full of Chinese text of course, except for the clinic's name translated in English, and of course the website's URL. We didnt really notice the website's addrees until this morning, and when we did, we burst out in monkey laughter which may have frightened the other passengers. The URL of this gynecological hospital is... Are you ready?


grifter said...

"malifuke" = "bad things go away here"* ... so its not as bad as you think.

* or so i've heard.

Jego said...

Sure yours probably the right translation, but where's the comedy in that?

Jego said...

(Shhhh. I accessed the site by going thru google translation. nyahahaha... I asked google to translate this page from chinese to english)