Sunday, May 04, 2008

Avast there, matey!

Last week, Congress introduced the Prioritizing Resources and
Organization for Intellectual Property Act (PRO IP Act), a bipartisan
bill aimed at increasing civil penalties and criminal enforcement for
copyright infringement, i.e., sharing MP3s.

This Draconian bit of legislation also proposed a new federal agency
tasked with the management and enforcement, titled appropriately,
WHIPER (White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative).
PRO IP? WHIPER? Who thinks of these acronyms? It's like they were already giving up by giving these laws lame acronyms; like they know it's an exercise in futility. Information wants to be free, bozos. Adapt or perish. Get a clue from authors who give away free digital versions of their works. They realize that book-lovers want actual physical trophies of their 'conquests' and will purchase a dead tree version of a book they acquired digitally if they really liked it.

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