Sunday, November 18, 2007

good luck with that


Jego said...

Come to think of it, unlike the juggernaut that is the iPod, the iPhone doesnt offer very much and is merely riding on the success of its MP3-playing cousin. It's looking very vulnerable. Apple should restrategize its marketing. It didnt win any pogi points when it overpriced it for the die-hards (read: dummies) and then dropped the price later when sales didnt take off as they expected.

grifter said...

still they sold a lot more phones than expected and once Jobs breaks free of that stupid AT&T contract, and with several years of 3rd party app writing under their belt, it will really break out.

Jego said...

still they sold a lot more phones than expected

Bolstered by the aforementioned dummies such as your look-alike Jed Mandela or something.

Tintin said...

based on grifter's analysis, i will buy more apple stocks

Jego said...

Be sure to get your stocks from the Shanghai market.