Wednesday, November 21, 2007

if you can't beat 'em ...

shave your head and be like Bruce Willis (after he kicked your ass in his last movie)


Tintin said...

according to reviews: "Hitman" misses the mark.

Jego said...

How big a movie market is the game-geek market? They won't go to movies. They'd rather download and see the movie on their laptops. Alone. Sheeesh these film companies never learn.

Jego said...

On second thought, having just seen The Producers on TV, maybe these film companies are churning out deliberate clunkers because they can make more money out of a flop through creative accounting. All together now. A-one, and a-two:

Springtime for Hitler and Germany...

grifter said...

ah Hitman is one thing, but if they ever get a Halo live action movie done right ... that's gonna rival LOTR and Star Wars.

Jego said...

Same problem. Dowloads, the preferred method of geek movie enjoyment.

You have to realize there's a difference between book geeks and game geeks. Game geeks are more tech-savvy.