Sunday, August 20, 2006

Awwwwritely then!

will this be the beginning of the end of MS Word?


grifter said...

what happens if you're on a deserted island with a laptop, no internet, and you just need to jot down this incredibly romantically spectacular poem that's in your head? oh that's right, you can just open notepad. you fire up the laptop, and then you realize you can't because your battery just died.

Jego said...

Spoken like a true geek. There is such a thing as pencil and paper, man. And on a desert island, bark, rocks, charcoal, etc, can enable one to jot down their inspirations without the need for internet connections or battery packs.

grifter said...

we were talking of the context of a geek using writely instead of MS Office, mr. cro-magnon, ... in an island.