Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Yay, justice!!

Throw the book at em!
Two of three friends who jumped naked into Moosehead Lake last summer
for a free Skinny Dip sandwich at the Black Frog Restaurant in
Greenville were found guilty of indecent exposure Monday in 13th
District Court.

The court found that Bernard Beckwith, 31, of Poland and Christian
Simpson, 37, of Bethel knowingly exposed their genitals in a public
place under circumstances that likely caused affront or alarm to others...

Crystal Stilwell, 25, of Bath, who had accompanied the men in the naked jump for the free sandwich, was found not guilty.
Yeah! Fine the guys. Let the women expose themselves without fear of prosecution. In fact I would definitely support a law that uses taxpayer money to subsidize such actions.

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