Monday, November 17, 2008

The guvmint knows where you are

So how come they still can't find Bin Laden?
Triggerfish, also known as cell-site simulators or digital analyzers, are nothing new: the technology was used in the 1990s to hunt down renowned hacker Kevin Mitnick. By posing as a cell tower, triggerfish trick nearby cell phones into transmitting their serial numbers, phone numbers, and other data to law enforcement. Most previous descriptions of the technology, however, suggested that because of range limitations, triggerfish were only useful for zeroing in on a phone's precise location once cooperative cell providers had given a general location.


grifter said...

they can't find Bin Laden, because he's not missing. he's d-e-a-d. ded.

Jego said...

OR... they can't 'find' him because they know exactly where he is. Nyaahahahahaa!!