Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well, well, well

Looks like our favorite gamer is getting more action than he's letting on.
Gamers are twice as likely to go out on dates as nongamers in a given month.
But then again, maybe the study is a load of BS.


grifter said...

"twice as likely", likely meaning there's a bigger chance that they'll jump on the opportunity, ... nay, the mere whiff of a possible date. because they're not getting any.

Jego said...

Nyahahahaa.. Yeah, the language they used is definitely suspect. If they were going out twice as much as non-gamers, then they shouldve said "go out on dates twice as many times as non-gamers".

grifter said...

which then means our favorite gamer is not getting as much action, but he is twice as likely to jump. or scarf.