Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ISH #49 (Tuesday Edition)

on the anniversary of this American generation's Pearl Harbor, let's put a bold face against the enemies (real and imaginary) of freedom (yes, even the homegrown ones sitting in power). here's a big F.U. to them all.

Is She Hot?


shoot them up. shoot them up. shoot them up. (okay, that's a great plug right there)


Jego said...

So unbefitting to commemorate an extraordinary event with somebody so friggin ordinary. 2.0.

And what's with the extra 'n'? Sheesh!

grifter said...

extraordinary? are you a terrorist?

Jego said...

Oh, my mistake. I failed to realize that hi-jacking planes full of passengers and crashing them into buildings is an ordinary--ho-hum--event.

Mea culpa.

grifter said...

nyahahahahaha! what i meant was, it sounded like you were gloating. like this: nyahahahahahahaha!


Tintin said...