Monday, August 04, 2008

Why bother?

A death row inmate scheduled for execution says he's too fat to be put to death, claiming executioners would have trouble finding his veins and that his weight could diminish the effectiveness of one of the lethal injection drugs.

He's 5'7" and weighs 267 pounds. Why bother executing him? He's going to die of a massive coronary anyway.


grifter said...

because between today and his potential date with a massive coronary, some shyster might put him back on the streets and at least a couple more rape/murders might occur. that's a bigger price to pay than an 'execution night' electric bill.

Jego said...

He's 5'7" and 267 pounds. He doesnt even have the endurance to walk to the bathroom let alone rape and murder anyone. Nyaaahahahahaa!!

grifter said...

he doesn't have to. he can set up bait and traps.