Monday, April 21, 2008

there's a style called komodo

i guess martial artists didn't have a chance to observe them at all, or else they would have developed a better technique. snake and crane styles won't stand a chance.


Jego said...

Pfsh. What a crock of BS. Everybody knows the Komodo doesnt kill with bite force, but with a lethal mix of bacteria in its mouth. It bites its prey, then waits for it to die of septicemia, following it around with its acute sense of smell. It then waits for the prey to putrefy a little so it'll be more tender and tasty. Yum.

Komodo style? Dont brush your teeth for 6 months then bite your opponent.

grifter said...

well, everybody doesn't know. go edit Wikipedia, zealot.

Jego said...

No need to. That's what Wikepedia says, Pharisee.

grifter said...

Wikipedia lies!!!

Jego said...

Then go edit it, zealot.