Wednesday, September 13, 2006

You want to know when the end of the world will be?

It's next year when scientists try to replicate the Big Bang. See you on the other side, jabronis.


grifter said...

dark matter? dark energy? what's going to happen is, these dorks will open a doorway to a pocket universe full of life-sucking amoebas and those critters make the jump to our world. then all hell breaks loose. we'll have to nuke France and Switzerland. nyahahahaha!

Jego said...

There is no dark matter. What happened was some physicist was making his cosmological calculations and somehow it shows that there is more stuff in the universe than what we can observe, so he said, "Well maybe there's dark matter since without it, my calculations won't make sense." The truth is, he just made some errors in his calculation but he was too lazy to go over them again. It was happy hour and the blokes were waiting for him at the bar.

Tintin said...

don't let OB and the SIQQUISM in!!!!!!!!

Tintin said...

isn't this dangerous? and the US wants to bomb Iran? we should bomb Geneva too!

grifter said...

ignorance is bliss! well, some anyway.